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religious order 意味

"religious order"の例文


  • religious òrder
  • religious     religious adj. 宗教の, 宗教を信奉する, 信心の; 細心の. 【副詞】 deeply religious きわめて信心深い
  • order     1order n. (1) 命令, 指令, 指図; 注文(書), 注文品. 【動詞+】 accept an order 注文に応じる
  • order new religious restrictions    新たな宗教規制{しゅうきょう きせい}を命じる
  • (historical) regulations governing chinese religious observances and social order    (historical) regulations governing Chinese religious observances and social order 宗法 そうほう
  • not religious    宗教心のない
  • religious     religious adj. 宗教の, 宗教を信奉する, 信心の; 細心の. 【副詞】 deeply religious きわめて信心深い passionately religious 狂信的な a strongly religious temperament きわめて信心深い性分. 【+前置詞】 He was religious in h
  • by order    命[命令?指図]で[により?によって]
  • by order of    ~の命[命令?指図]で[により?によって]
  • in order    in order 合法的 ごうほうてき 順次 じゅんじ 順に じゅんに 順々 順順 じゅんじゅん 逓次 ていじ 順々に 順順に じゅんじゅんに
  • in order that     in órder that ... ((正式))…する目的で,…しようとして(?in ORDER to do ) She will come early in ~ that you may read her manuscript before the speech. 彼女は演説の前に自分の原稿をあなたに読んでもらうためにきっと早く来るでしょう. ◇[語法] (1) that節ではso
  • in order to    in order to のに ように 陽 様 よう 為 ため
  • in the order of    ほぼ~程度{ていど}の
  • in this order    この順で
  • not in order    形式不備{けいしき ふび}
  • of the order of    ほぼ~程度の


  • the revolutionary religious order
  • the official name of (the incorporated religious order ) ' honganji (higashi honganji )' became ' shinshu honbyo .'
  • in 1874 , nissonmon school became affiliated with the shoretsu school of nichiren sect , which was an integrated religious order of the shoretsu school .
  • a john doe who was murdered in wisconsin a week ago turns out to be this guy named drew neely who went missing from some religious order in northern ohio , okay ?
    一週間前ウィスコンで 殺されたジョン・ドウ ドルー・ニーリーという名で ある事分かった 誰が行方不明になったか
  • he strived to convert ' otani-byodo mausoleum ' into a temple (establishment of hongan-ji temple ) and laid the foundation of a religious order headed by hongan-ji temple .
  • in 1987 , naikyoku legally dissolved the religious order ' honganji ' and incorporated it into a religious corporation , ' shinshu otaniha (shin sect otani school ).'
  • after nonin ' s death , kakuan higashiyama , nonin ' s disciple , succeeded in the religious order and continued propagation activities , together with ejo koun (1198 - 1280 ), at mt . tonomine in yamato province (nara prefecture ).
    能忍の没後は弟子の東山覚晏が教団を継承し、門下の孤雲懐奘(1198年 - 1280年)らと共に大和国(奈良県)の多武峰を中心として活動を続けた。
  • as soon as rennyo learned that the opposing kochiyo togashi allied himself with takada denomination of shin buddhism , he cooperated with masachika and destroyed kochiyo in order to maintain his religious order from takada denomination ' s pressure .
  • although he came from a fisherman ' s family in etchu province , he entered a religious order of ji sect after realizing the retribution over killing animals , and devoted himself to social work as a kanjin-hijiri (priest who collects donated money for social work ).
  • under such circumstances , the religious order tried to survive by organizing an underground organization consisting of hocchu (buddhist priest ), horyu (法立 , believers of fujufuse ) and naishin (内信 , believers who ostensibly pretended to believe in other sects or schools ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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